Your capacity is infinite, and this podcast provides the tools and tips to unlock more than you thought was possible.
Get Exclusive TipsSouthside Chicago kid. Young Father (19). Lost in life. Assembly line worker. Found 15 seconds between building cars to study. Graduated. Took 5 years. Created a few companies. Sold two. 800 employees. Created Refuel and Not Almost There to help others.
I had never run a long race in my life, but here I am, in the middle of the 2015 Chicago Marathon. I’m feeling fantastic, even thinking I could go double the distance.
Just being in this race was a mini-miracle. I had heart surgery and back surgery a decade earlier. I could barely stand back then, let alone run.
Nonetheless, I’m fired up and feel better than ever.
Then I see right in front of me— a sign that nearly stops me in my tracks, NOT ALMOST THERE. I try to brush it off but can’t stop thinking about those words. Every step seems heavier, harder, and then I start cramping up. I begin to walk and complain inside and out. I struggle the entire second half but finish (barely) with everything I have after being physically and mentally crushed.
I have never stopped thinking about that sign but that’s fueled a quest to understand the power of the mind, body, and spirit. To understand how we accomplish things. To understand how we become better in the race against time and ourselves.
Founder of Not Almost There
If you think you can do more, you can. You just need to get out of your same routine, learn new skills and perspectives, and reach beyond your self-made limitations. Easier said than done, and no one does it alone. That’s why I started recording and sharing conversations with world-renowned leaders in entrepreneurship and overall health and wellness.
Joining our community for inspiring tips and stories is totally free. I only ask that you share the lessons you find most impactful so you can help others learn and grow with you along the way.
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